Is Flaxseed Good for Cats?
Posted by Mary Ida Young on
What is Flaxseed?
Flaxseed is derived from flax plants and can be found as a food item in grocery stores as well as in supplements and pet foods. Historically, flax has been used to make yarn and other textiles like linen and fabrics. It is a valuable and nutritious ingredient that is widely available and can be extremely beneficial for your kitty.Benefits of Flaxseed
There are numerous benefits to flaxseed, but three of the main ones are closely related to the essential fatty acid content.The Top Three Benefits Are:
- Can boost your cat’s immune system
- Can improve the health of your cat’s digestive tract
- Can shine your cat’s coat
Flaxseed Helps Address Nutritional Deficiencies
Flaxseed supplements are often recommended by vets because unfortunately, common pet foods just don't always provide for all of your cat’s dietary needs. While it’s true that some cats do okay with them, other cats may have a coat that looks and feels dry because of nutritional deficiencies. Others may develop a condition called pica, in which they chew, suck, and even eat objects that are not food. These objects can include yarn, paper, electrical cords, fabrics, and plants. However, it should be noted that sometimes a cat could have trouble converting the essential fatty acids into EPA and DHA, especially if they are older or suffer from other health conditions. This problem is largely mitigated by using a high quality source of flaxseed that retains the valuable flax oil. When your cat’s flax comes from a quality source, it's much easier for him to use the omegas and convert them into what he needs so that he can reap the health and nutritional rewards. Be sure to follow the recommended dosage and schedules provided on the flaxseed product. You also want to make sure your cat is drinking plenty of water when consuming flaxseed, as proper hydration is very important to avoid any bowel obstructions due to the high fiber content.Flax is Food, Not Just a Supplement
Keep in mind that flax is considered a food product. Since it is classified as a food, it's generally considered safe and non-toxic. And since it is considered a food, it can also take a while to begin seeing results in your cat's health status. But if you give it to him consistently over a month, you should begin to see improvement, especially in common problems such as attitude, energy, joint mobility, and skin and coat. If after a few weeks you still aren’t noticing any health improvements, you can try increasing the amount of flax you are giving your cat. Flaxseed is a great source of essential fatty acids, especially omega-3. Flaxseed supports a multitude of benefits including, skin and coat quality, healthy digestion, brain function, and energy levels. This superfood provides the perfect nutrients your cat needs. Shop our fresh-ground flaxseed supplements for cats today and start seeing improvements in your cat’s overall health in no time! *This article is for informational purposes only. Please see a vet if your pet shows any symptoms.