Is Flaxseed Good for Cats?
Posted by Mary Ida Young onWhen it comes to improving the overall health of your feline friend, flaxseed can be a good way to do it. Flaxseed is a great source of essential fatty acids like omega-3, and can help...
Skin Allergies in Cats: What Every Pet Parent Should Know
Posted by Mary Ida Young onSkin allergies in cats are very common. If you own a cat, you may already know that your feline can be every bit as sensitive to allergens as humans can. They can react to outside...
Why Is My Cat Itching So Much?
Posted by Mary Ida Young onWhat Causes Hair Loss in Cats?
Posted by Mary Ida Young on10 Facts About Pet Food That Will Surprise You
Posted by Mary Ida Young onChoosing a good pet food that is nutritious and healthy for your pet can be challenging to say the least. There are so many commercial pet foods that are (for want of a better term), nothing...
Skin Conditions in Dogs & Cats
Posted by Mary Ida Young onHow to Pet-Proof Your Apartment
Posted by Mary Ida Young onGetting a fuzzy new roommate is an exciting adventure, but there are a few steps you should take to ensure that your apartment isn’t totally thrashed, making it look worse than a college dorm room....