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Benefits of Flaxseed for Dogs

Posted by Mary Ida Young on

When it comes to flaxseed, there are many potential health benefits that can contribute to the increased vitality and well-being of your canine friend, especially as a regular supplement to a healthy diet. Flaxseed has...

Is Flaxseed Good for Cats?

Posted by Mary Ida Young on

When it comes to improving the overall health of your feline friend, flaxseed can be a good way to do it. Flaxseed is a great source of essential fatty acids like omega-3, and can help...

How The Missing Link® is Saving Zoo Animals

Posted by Mary Ida Young on

When it comes to giving an animal the dietary nutrition they need, especially animals that normally live and eat in the wild, human attempts at properly nourishing them can fall flat, to say the least....

5 Essential Nutrients Your Dog Isn’t Getting from His Food

Posted by Mary Ida Young on

Diet is a huge component to ensuring your pet is healthy and stays in optimal condition. Unfortunately, many dog foods that are on the market today offer little to no real nutritional value. You must...

Your Dog’s Kibble Isn’t Enough: The Truth About Commercial Pet Food

Posted by Mary Ida Young on
When it comes to your dog, you want to feed them as healthy a diet as possible. For most pet owners, their dog is like a member of the family, and you certainly wouldn’t feed other members of your family only unhealthy foods or an unbalanced diet. Read:Your Dog’s Kibble Isn’t Enough: The Truth About Commercial Pet Food

What Kinds of Nutrients Are Found in Kelp?

Posted by Mary Ida Young on
Kelp is an edible seaweed that is gaining popularity due to its uniquely rich nutrient content. Vitamins and minerals found in this underwater plant provide an extensive list of health benefits when consumed on a regular basis. Read What Kinds of Nutrients Are Found in Kelp? to learn more.

What is Kelp?

Posted by Mary Ida Young on
Kelp is an underwater plant that grows in shallow ocean waters and belongs to the seaweed family. This edible seaweed absorbs nutrients directly from the ocean water and is rich in vitamins and minerals, providing significant health benefits. Read: What is Kelp? to get the full scoop.

Superfoods Aren’t Just for Super Humans

Posted by Mary Ida Young on
As a pet parent, it can be difficult not to share food from the table with your dog. But let’s face it: most of us do. If you are going to feed your dog human food, at least choose them wisely! Read more in: Superfoods Aren’t Just for Super Humans

What are Superfoods?

Posted by Mary Ida Young on
We take a deep-dive into superfoods. What are they? What are they not? Which ones are good for my pets? Read on for answers!