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When Spoiling Your Dog Does More Harm Than Good

Posted by Mary Ida Young on
Congrats! You’re now the proud owner of an adorable dog, and you instantly fall in love with him after one look into his precious, expressive eyes. Suddenly, you find yourself doing things for your new pup that you always questioned. Take caution and learn: When Spoiling Your Dog Does More Harm Than Good

What Do I Do If My Dog is a Picky Eater?

Posted by Mary Ida Young on
If your mother gave you a choice between eating a cookie or steamed broccoli, what was your choice? If you say broccoli, you’re lying. Just like how humans prefer certain foods to others, there is no difference when it comes to your dog. Learn what to do in What Do I Do If My Dog is a Picky Eater?

Dog Fur Loss

Posted by Mary Ida Young on

Dog Fur Loss – A Common Problem for Pet Owners If your furry friend has developed bald spots, she is not alone. Many conditions can lead to dog fur loss, often called “alopecia.” Allergies to...

Arthritis in Dogs: Keeping Your Pup’s Joints Strong & Healthy

Posted by Mary Ida Young on

There are few things more rewarding than a friendly, happy dog buzzing around your home day in and day out. They’re at the door to greet you when you get home, are your faithful companion...

Exercise Tips for Pet Joint Health

Posted by Mary Ida Young on

If you have a pet over the age of seven, chances are that they might start experiencing some achy joints. But that doesn’t mean your pet is becoming immobile and you can’t take them out...